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DiafrikInvest builds bridges between Africa and its diasporas


You are a diaspora entrepreneur and you have a business creation project in Morocco, Senegal or Tunisia?

With the DiafrikInvest programme of ANIMA Investment Network, a cooperation platform for economic development in the Mediterranean, you can benefit from personalized support on the investment framework and opportunities to get involved in the development of your country of origin.

Launched in 2017 and implemented in the framework of the Euro-African Dialogue on Migration and Development, Diafrikinvest aims to accelerate and support the mobilisation of high potentials, entrepreneurs and investors from the diaspora to boost business relations between Europe, Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia.

This project aims to build strong bridges between the diaspora and the continent's entrepreneurs. The objective is also to better coordinate the actors working with the diaspora: ministries, investment agencies, business incubators...

Co-financed at 90% by the European Union, DiafrikInvest is also developing a co-investment network, a mentoring programme and a start-up accelerator that supports project leaders over a 12-month period through workshops.


DiafrikInvest has launched with the CJD Sénégal (Centre des jeunes dirigeants d’entreprise du Sénégal; Centre for Young Business Leaders of Senegal) a digital platform (Entreprendre au Sénégal) for the productive investment of the diaspora that connects all Senegalese project holders with investors from the diaspora.

The CJD Sénégal built this platform with all business incubators, institutions, government agencies, financial and cooperation actors interested in the idea of building a coordinated approach to inform and guide this expatriate population which represents a potential for the development of the country.

The choice of Senegal is not a coincidence. Cooperation schemes already exist between Europe and Senegal to support economic and social development initiatives led by Senegalese living in Europe. This is for example the case of the Plan d'Appui aux Initiatives de Solidarité pour le Développement (Support Plan for Solidarity Initiatives for Development). This scheme is dedicated to the Senegalese diaspora established in France, Belgium, Spain and Italy.

The PAISD subsidizes up to 80% of the local development actions of diaspora associations in their countries of origin, supports business creation initiatives in Senegal and mobilizes highly qualified expertise and young people from the diaspora for short-term missions in Senegal.

These programmes, which mobilise the skills of migrants and the diaspora for the development of their country of origin, thus contribute to boosting relations between the two continents.



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