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Initial Context & Environment Mapping
Presentation of 
Work Package 2

Credit: Fauxels, from Pexels. 


IDEAL-M is made up of 5 work packages. Here is an overview of Work Package 2. 


The principal objective : 


Work package 2 aims to produce a consolidated mapping of the context and the environment in which the project will be implemented. It will focus on articulating in-depth know-how of links between diaspora communities in the consortium countries and potential migrants located in Senegal. In addition, it will map the connections between the different diaspora organizations in each country as well as potential intra-EU links. It will also focus on assessing the relationships of these organizations with other civil society organizations, public authorities and municipalities. 


Specific objectives : 

· Needs assessment analysis of the current environment in which diaspora communities work within host societies and their interaction with potential migrants and local stakeholders 

· Review and analysis of best practices selected in consortium countries and abroad on integrating diaspora communities in addressing migration issues 

· Draw conclusions and recommendations based on the results.


The activities and deliverables of work package 2 : 


Activities :

2.1. Research and analysis of needs

2.2. Best practices analysis

2.3. State of the Art Report

Deliverables :

2.1 Research report and needs analyse

2.2 Report on the best practices 

2.3 Report on IDEAL-M state-of-the-art

More details : 


2.1 Research and Needs analysis 


For this activity UoP and UAM will draft a common research design that will be focused on Greece, Germany, Malta,  Spain and Portugal. The research will include qualitative and quantitative interviews that will be  addressed to examine the existing linkages between diaspora communities and prospective migrants on  the one hand and local stakeholders on the other. 


Questionnaires will be distributed to members of  diaspora communities, CSOs and organisations who deal with integration of migrants. At least 15  questionnaires need to be filled per country and target groups. 


The questionnaires will be addressed in  three different target groups: 

- Diaspora communities representatives 

- Social stakeholders representatives (CSOs, grass-roots movements, relevant staff)  

- Public organisations representatives (local authorities, ministry officials etc.) 

Qualitative interviews will follow aiming to gain a deeper understanding and analyse in-depth the  existing framework. UAM will produce a final report to present the final findings of the report. This  consists of the basis for the development of the Project’s activities.  


2.2 Best practices analysis 


UAM will provide templates including the criteria for selection and identification of best practices to the  target countries. The consortium partners will collect and describe best practices according to the  criteria that have been given and will provide the information to the task leader. Each partner  participating in the task will present its best practices which will be incorporated in a final best practices  report. 


This activity aims to identify success stories of integration of diaspora communities with local  stakeholders to solve migration related issues across Europe and abroad and provide practical advice on  the means, tools and activities that have been used to achieve this goal. 


The best practices to be  collected will include a general overview of best-practices but it will combine examples of how the  bridging concept of diaspora communities can play a rather constructive way of formulating initiatives  with tangible positive results. 


The proposed ideas will be evaluated taking into account specific technical  criteria, such as development potential, innovative character, sustainability based on country-specific  characteristics. Consortium members are encouraged to use best practice examples from their countries  and beyond. 


2.3 IDEAL-M State-of-the-art report  


UoP will incorporate the reports produced during 2.1 and 2.2 including recommendations that can be  used to develop the outputs of Work Package 2 & WP3 & WP5. 

The IDEAL-M state-of-the-art will collect the findings  of the previous tasks and will present in a coherent way practical advice and examples on the main  phases.

After those activities, 3 reports will be produced.

2.1 Report of research and needs analysis 

2.2 Report of best practices

2.3 Report of best practices

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